Die Lufthansa setzt auf einigen Strecken wieder den Airbus A380 ein. Doch in München müssen Passagiere von zwei Flugzielen nun länger auf den Riesen warten. München – Für viele ist es das ...
If you thought the A380 was consigned to the junkyard, think again. Lufthansa is proving the double-decker colossus has ...
German carrier Lufthansa has announced that it will begin flights to Denver for the first time using the Airbus A380 starting ...
Sechs A380 will Lufthansa bis November vereinbarungsgemäß ... eine A380-Verbindung nach New York im Plan. Deutlich kürzere Strecken wie derzeit mit einem Boeing-747-Jumbo nach Mallorca soll ...
The German airline is planning to fly an Airbus A380 between Munich and Denver on a seasonal route starting in late April and continuing through September.
Lufthansa German Airlines said Thursday that the carrier plans to operate an Airbus A380 on direct routes from Denver to Munich beginning this summer. The Airbus A380 ranks as the world's largest ...
Lufthansa introduces Airbus A380 flights from Munich to Denver. Explore the Rocky Mountains on Colorado's first A380 service ...
Reaktivierung beschlossen Lufthansa lässt Airbus A380 wieder abheben 27.06.2022, 17:24 Uhr Noch im April hatte Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr der A380 in dem Konzern keine Zukunft mehr bescheinigt.
DALLAS — Lufthansa (LH) is flying the world's biggest passenger aircraft between Munich and Denver for the summer season.
Lufthansa Airlines announced Thursday it will fly the Airbus A380 between Denver International Airport (DIA) and Germany. Lufthansa said it will operate daily service between Denver and Munich ...