Through a series of vignettes, Kauffman’s fifth novel centers on a woman determined to spend Christmas with her extended ...
"Blood and the Badge" by Michael Cannell is the tale of two NYPD officers who were paid to provide information and even kill ...
With a new location and name, owner Scott McLaughlin intends to keep some aspects of the York Emporium and the legacy of its ...
Four days after the Presidential inauguration, one of the most important documents responsible for United States freedom will ...
A heartfelt family portrait, a poignant coming-of-age story and a thriller starring an AI assistant — plus hot new celebrity ...
In her debut book, the popular — 2.6 million Instagram ... Hurston’s retelling — paint him in a better light. Sowa, a New York University clinical instructor and medical doctor focusing ...
Explore some of the best young adult books publishing in 2025, including mysteries, romances, thrillers and more.