Sword Art Online, or SAO for short, is a science fiction anime franchise that takes viewers on a thrilling ride through virtual reality worlds. The story unfolds in the early 2020s with the release of ...
Crunchyroll announced a new anime series adapted from Sucker Punch Productions’ popular “Ghost of Tsushima” video game.
Below we'll discuss some of the best characters in the game, and give you a complete Sword Master Story tier list of all the characters currently available in the game. Since there will be new ...
We’ve added another Anime Shadow code the Neymar update. Anime Shadow codes can help you pull top-tier pets to pair with your favourite bloxified pop-culture characters. A successfully redeemed code ...
Anime Card Battle codes keep dropping as the game runs through its double-digit updates, offering plenty of potions to keep you pulling the rarest cards. Yes, Anime Card Battle is another RNG game.
Toussaint Egan (he/him) is a curation editor, out to highlight the best movies, TV, anime, comics, and games. He has been writing professionally for over a decade. We’ll continue to update this ...
Your browser does not support the audio element. Narrowing down the top 30 best anime series currently on Crunchyroll was a struggle. After merging with Funimation ...
Lucas Chen/Daily. Buy this photo. Syla Swords shines when the lights are the brightest. In her collegiate debut for the then-unranked Michigan women’s basketball team back in November, the freshman ...
On Jan. 1, 2024, typically the quietest day of the year in Japan, a powerful earthquake struck off Ishikawa, triggering a tsunami and ultimately leading to some 500 deaths. The following day, 379 ...