Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver star in this acclaimed drama about discontent in 1970s suburban Connecticut. The story follows two dysfunctional families who each reach their breaking point when ...
Our complete Ang Lee retrospective continues with the director's fifth film, an adaptation of the eponymous Rick Moody novel about the fallout of the sexual revolution in the stifled heart of Nixon’s ...
Peggy Mitchell Gay remembers well the inescapable cold when the 1973 ice storm hit the state ... Filmed in New Canaan, the movie starred Sigourney Weaver, Kevin Kline and Joan Allen and featured ...
In this photo from the Allen County Historical Society, power lines and poles along North West Street sag under the weight of ice from a storm in late March 1928. “The loss to utility companies ...
A series of TV movies produced by The Asylum with the same cast and director following a team called R.E.A.C.T., trying to stop disasters.