A new study has shown a correlation between high levels of government corruption and increased persecution of Christian ...
After some participants at the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization took offense to a plenary speaker s comments ...
The first disciples were mainly workers in various trades and the workplace still offers a holy ground to be a priestly ...
How can we live to prevent our faith from failing Here are five steps every believer can take to prevent a failing faith ...
Are you someone who doesn t believe in God, but swears you would if you saw a bona fide miracle happen in front of you If so, ...
Earlier in my life, I realized that my pursuit of God had slowly and imperceptibly turned into a pursuit of religion. I had ...
Churches can play a major role in helping individuals heal from porn, according to a recent study that found pornography use ...
New research suggests that the lack of a biblical worldview may play more of a role in the mental health crisis plaguing the ...
Over 150 Protestant Christians who had been forcibly displaced about five months ago have returned to their homes in Hidalgo ...