Climate-vulnerable countries are pushing for a just loss and damage fund to help them recover from climate disasters. But ...
After the hottest summer on record, calls are growing for fossil fuel companies to pay for climate damages through the US ...
Barclays, Vanguard, and BlackRock made millions financing JBS, a Brazilian meatpacker whose operations are driving ...
O Barclays obteve US$ 1,7 bilhão ao financiar uma empresa relacionada à destruição de terras indígenas na Amazônia ...
Thursday 26 September, London - British banking giant Barclays earned $1.7 billion between 2018 and 2023 by financing JBS, a Brazilian meatpacker implicated in the destruction of Indigenous ...
Financial powerhouses including Barclays, Vanguard and BlackRock made millions from financing Brazilian meatpacker JBS, whose operations are driving destruction of Apyterewa Indigenous land You can ...