It is true that Donald Trump honored his deal with the pro-life movement in 2016; it is also true that Eric Trump told the ...
The radical leftists who are hellbent on recreating the world in their own sordid image do not even try to hide their aims ...
The moderators of CBS News’ vice presidential debate, Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan, became the story when they ...
Spiritual surgery is urgently required: When the human heart is in a bad way, radical action is needed, including such things as open heart surgery.… ...
Recommended reading on this contentious topic: Some of the most contentious moral and social issues of today involve matters of life and death. Abortion and euthanasia are two such topics that are so ...
Beware the politicised, leftist Jesus: In 1972, a year after I became a Christian, The Doobie Brothers’ version of “Jesus Is Just Alright” was released.… ...
On this website are nearly 100 bibliographies. They deal with various important issues, and are largely based on ...
CultureWatch is a faith ministry and I get no salary. If you want to contribute financially, here are two methods: ...
Christians can have just as much trouble as non-Christians in getting their priorities right. We tend to ignore ...