Jederzeit und überall: Lernen Sie Deutsch – online und in Goethe-Qualität. Egal, ob Sie aus beruflichen oder privaten Gründen Deutsch lernen möchten, bei uns finden Sie den passenden Online ...
As technology evolves, the boundary lines between traditional artistry and artificial intelligence get blurred. Is this a threat or an opportunity to enhance creative expression? These are some of the ...
Mit der Weiterentwicklung der Technologie verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen traditioneller Kunst und künstlicher Intelligenz. Ist dies eine Bedrohung oder eine Chance zur Verbesserung des kreativen ...
Stories of migration characterize our modern societies, in which people from different cultural backgrounds search for belonging. Cultural diversity is celebrated on the one hand, but at the same time ...
Television “Made in Germany” is having a golden moment with the rise of international streaming services. German series that appeal to global audiences through smart and original writing, diverse ...
Would you like to know, how a specific exam is structured and prepare accordingly? This course prepares you for the internationally recognized examinations of the Goethe-Institut. In this course you ...
Queer people from all over the world have shaped Berlin. Many come by choice; others, by necessity. This film follows six individuals of diverse origins and identities who have made Berlin their home, ...
学习语言最好的方法就是沉浸在当地的环境中! 所以就让颇具信誉的歌德学院带领您前进德国。无论在面包店、博物馆还是电影院,您都可以将德语融入到日常生活中。对语文学习更是如此 ...
Поэтому путешествуйте в Германию вместе с известным Гёте-Институтом. Так, Вы сможете использовать свои навыки владения немецким языком в ...
Una lingua si impara meglio nel paese in cui è parlata! Cogli dunque l’opportunità che ti offre il Goethe-Institut trascorrendo un periodo in Germania: in questo modo potrai usare il tedesco in varie ...
La meilleure façon d’apprendre une langue est dans le pays où elle est parlée ! Voyagez donc en Allemagne avec le célèbre Goethe Institut. Vous pourrez ainsi intégrer votre allemand dans la vie ...
The best place to learn a language is where it is spoken! So why not travel to Germany with the renowned Goethe-Institut? Take this chance to make German a part of your day-to-day routine, whether you ...