Nov 27, 2020 · The death of John Lewis, founder of Wildlife Vets International (WVI) and partner at International Zoo Veterinary Group (IZVG), has been announced, following a short illness. Dr Lewis qualified from the University of Cambridge in 1978 and studied for a PhD in oncology. He worked at ZSL as a pathologist and clinician before joining IZVG
Vet Times The website for the veterinary profession Thrombocytopaenia: causes, treatment and management Author : Samantha Fontaine
for routine surgeries in the UK (Hunt et al, 2015). Table 1. Acute pain scales validated in companion animals. This article aims to present the latest thinking on postoperative pain management in small animal
CANINE parvovirus (CPV) is a worldwide pathogen and remains the most common cause of canine viral enteritis in the UK. Mortality in experimentally infected dogs – without treatment – can reach 91 per cent; however,
can, therefore, result in gut hypomotility. In GI stasis, normal peristaltic muscular contractions are slowed or, in some cases, cease. This results in decreased production of smaller and firmer faecal pellets, ultimately progressing to a halt.
Vascular disease, although it can occur in dogs of all ages, uncommonly demonstrates epileptic seizures as part of the clinical presentation. Head trauma may result in epileptic seizures, either
medication is introduced. Phenobarbital. In my experience, phenobarbital is the mainstay treatment option in canine epileptic patients. It is effective in 60 to 80 per cent of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy if serum concentrations are